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****ATTENTION: During warm seasons, we only ship Monday through Thursday to ensure candles do not sit in a shipping warehouse during off times. Soy-coconut wax is very soft and will melt easily. Although we take great care to ship the candles in insulated packages with cool gel packing, we ask that you please select 2-day shipping or less at checkout to ensure your candle does not melt before you receive it. If you choose longer shipping speeds, we cannot guarantee the wax will not shift or melt.****

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Candle Care Instructions

Thank you for choosing Inspired Luxury Candles, Ltd.! We take pride in crafting high-quality candles made with organic soy-coconut wax and the finest grade essential oils. To ensure that you get the most out of your candles and enjoy a safe and pleasant experience, please follow these candle care instructions:

Before lighting: 

  • Trim the wick: Before each use, trim the wick to approximately ¼ inch (0.6 cm) in length. This helps to maintain a clean, even burn and prevents excessive flickering or smoking.

During burning:

  • Initial burn: Allow the candle to burn until a full melt pool forms across the surface (the melted wax reaches the edges of the container). This typically takes around 2-3 hours. This step is important to prevent tunneling and ensure an even burn throughout the lifetime of the candle. Burning time: We recommend burning your candle for no more than 3-4 hours at a time. This prevents overheating and helps to maximize the lifespan of the candle.
  • Avoid drafts: Place the candle in an area away from drafts, such as open windows, fans, or air conditioning vents. Drafts can cause uneven burning, smoking, or the candle to extinguish prematurely.
  • Safety first: Never leave a burning candle unattended. Keep it away from flammable objects, children, and pets. Always use a heat-resistant surface or a candle holder to protect the surface the candle is placed on.

Extinguishing the candle: 

  • Proper extinguishing: To extinguish the flame, use a snuffer or gently blow on the flame until it is out. Avoid blowing directly into the candle, as it may cause hot wax to splatter.
  • Avoiding smoke: If smoking occurs during burning, extinguish the candle, trim the wick, and relight it. Smoking can be a sign that the wick is too long or the candle is in a drafty area.

General tips:

  • Storage: Store your candles in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight or intense heat. This helps to maintain their quality and prevents any changes in texture or scent.
  • First burn caution: During the initial burn, ensure that the candle is placed on a heat-resistant surface to avoid any potential damage to the surface it is placed on.
  • Cleaning: If necessary, clean the container with mild soap and warm water once the candle has fully burned out and cooled down. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasives.

Following these candle care instructions will help you enjoy a safe and long-lasting experience with your Inspired Luxury Candles. If you have any further questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact our customer support. Thank you for choosing our products!

To place an order or inquire about local delivery, call 216-212-9738

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